
Who We Are

Gracious Professionalism

A way of doing things that encourages high quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community.

Upcoming Events


On 25th January, our team will host an official First Tech Challenge event in Ramnicu Valcea at "Mircea cel Bătrân" National College!


Stay tuned for more activities and opportunities to meet us in person!


Being part of FTC opened my eyes to the endless possibilities in engineering and technology. It not only shaped my career path but also gave me the confidence to pursue my passions.” – Ursei Armand


Mlisan Mirela - Mentor
Mlisan Mirela - Mentor
Colțoș Robert - Mentor
Colțoș Robert - Mentor
Elena Dragormir - Contabilă
Alex Deaconescu
Deaconescu Alex - 3D/Construcție
Programator Lita Andrei
Liță Andrei - Programare
Programator Oprescu Octavian
Oprescu Octavian - Programare
Proiectant Constructor Iustin
Părăușeanu Iustin - 3D/Construcție
Daria - PR
Popescu Daria - PR/Outreach
Ivan Catinca PR
Ivan Catinca - PR/Outreach
Olaru Roberto - Construcție
Nițu Ștefan - Programare
Nițu Ștefan - Programare
Drumia Răzvan - Human PLayer
Drumia Răzvan - Human Player
Marina Luca - Voluntar
Luca Dascălu - Voluntar
Luca Dascălu - Voluntar
Alex Berbescu - Voluntar
Berbescu Alex - Voluntar
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